it’s finally that time.
time to guess what outrageous name we have come up with for baby girl number two. and ya’ll better be in top form for this one because i have it on good authority that our previous name champion (christina) is going for a clean sweep.
to help with the guessing this go 'round, i’m offering up some insight into my relationship with names. first off, my own name is emily anne young wheeler. solid. simple. common. and, as i felt for most of my life, boring. in fact, i absolutely hated my name until falling in love with the lower case “e” at the age of thirteen (thank you, mr. cummings).
so naturally, having some angst about my own “normal” name, my naming tendencies tend to go a *bit* too far to the other extreme. here’s a sample of the most notorious names (according to bryan) that i came up with for summer’s sister: lux, bay, ever (it was very hard for me to let go of that one), and v (yes, just v).
bryan’s role in the whole baby naming process is usually just to reign me in. he’s out there stumping for the julies and audreys whilst i’m lost in never-never land with the azures and callas, and somewhere in the middle (well, maybe not quite
middle…) we agree.
so without further delay,
here are the clues:1) begins with the letter A (anna, you should have an advantage here)
2) has fewer than seven letters
3) according to the SSA, in its most popular year, it barely made the top 1,000 names
4) despite its apparently low popularity, bryan and i know three people with this name – each in a very different age group
here are the rules:1) between now and monday, june 15th, leave a comment on this post with
ONE guess at baby wheeler’s name (if more than one guess is given, only the first guess will count)
2) be sure to look at previous comments because only the first person to guess the correct name will win
3) as always, we will not post comments from people we don’t know, so no secret identities please
4) if we find our friends and family to be totally missing the mark, we will re-post the game next week with additional clues, so keep second guesses in the back of your mind
wanna know what you’re playing for?first and foremost, the coveted baby naming crown, but additionally, your choice of:
1) cold stone gift certificate
2) see’s candies gift certificate
3) jamba juice gift certificate
(if, perchance, my rural and foreign friends, you do not live near any of these establishments, we’ll work with you and come up with an equally desirable treat.)
all right people, get your name on!