Friday, November 23, 2012


for him and her and her and him.

i've mentioned before that on thanksgiving day 2003, bryan proposed marriage to me.

he got down on both knees in his grandmother's living room and popped la question (sometime between our morning tday hike and heading out to his aunt's house for the turkey feast) with my ring attached to his keychain because he didn't want to lose it.

and every thanksgiving since then, he's brought me flowers to commemorate that blessed occasion (spoiler alert: i said yes), all that we have to be grateful for (those three little people we've made together come to mind), and sort of to pay penance for not at least adding some mood lighting to such a significant, romantic, i've-dreamed-my-whole-life-about-this, was-it-really-all-of-thirty-seconds? moment.

still so grateful everyday that i said yes.

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