Tuesday, March 13, 2012

measuring up

life is pretty chaotic for the wheelers right now.

i hate moving. hate, hate, hate it. as a person of very strict order, organization, and routine, moving really messes with my delicate internal balance. not to mention my beauty regimen. i can't even remember the last time i did my hair or got dressed in real clothes. (note to all the duvallians out there: that very pregnant fourteen year old boy you see running around town? that would be me.)

anyhoo, we are all quite anxious to push past the chaos and settle in to our new digs.

as a first order of business, we found the perfect wall in our home to serve as the wheeler family growth chart and got to work measuring up.

no surprises here:  daddy is tallest, emily is still 5 feet, three and three quarters inches (could never quite reach that fourth inch!), and summer and afton bring up the rear.

looking forward to watching our little kiddilies grow!

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