Monday, October 18, 2010

candy corn bark

so i'm one of those people: a candy corn hater. hate, hate, HATE it.

and's just so darn festive that i can't keep myself from buying a bag every time halloween rolls around.  but what to do with the stuff?  this year, i finally found the answer.

invite oreos and pretzels over to play, drown everybody in melted white chocolate, decorate with sprinkles, break apart and FINALLY enjoy yourself some candy corn.

1 comment:

amy said...

I love candy corn, and i love bark... but i'm not an intuitive cook. Did you follow a recipe? care to share with me? and also, I FINALLY made your recipe (i think you emailed it to me a year ago? maybe longer?) for giant soft ginger cookies and they are the. best. ever. I even got compliments from my sister in law who has chefs and professional bakers in her family. so, belatedly, thank you.