Thursday, April 01, 2010

joke's on me

so i thought i'd jazz up april fool's day this year with a little foray into the fake-out food world (because we all know that truly effective pranks can only be planned and executed every five years or so. sort of like that whole leap year thing--the greatest prank of them all).

anyway, i brought a couple ideas to bryan and finally settled on fried ice cream in white-chocolate pistachio sauce that looks like crab cakes in tartar sauce. bryan, skeptical as he is of my frying abilities (and for good reason), double-triple-checked to make sure that was what i wanted to try. i assured him. and his final say was, "well, if it works, it'll be great, but if it fails, it'll fail spectacularly."

and fail spectacularly it did. but really, spectacularly is the only way i like to fail.

now, this particular piece may look somewhat edible (we finally got it right on our last try), but the previous 10 or 12 we fried did not fare so well, and in my frenzied state i forgot to get a photo of those poor lost souls.

to top things off, we had had the elders over, so we forced them to down a couple of these babies before sending them on their merry way. after they had left, i was lamenting my epic failure, and my mom, in an effort to cheer me up said, "well, at least they enjoyed the spectacle."

and that's probably what they'll put on my tombstone.

earth to emily: "at least we enjoyed the spectacle."

1 comment:

Holly said...

The concoction in the picture looks yummy. I'll bet the ones that were not as attractive were also tasty.

Ah, trying new dishes with the missionaries over. Classic. Did Wendy count as your investigator?