Tuesday, August 11, 2009

one month

ah, sweet sleep deprivation, you are my dear companion yet again.

gone is my dozing silent newborn. now lu spends her days grunting, squeaking, squawking, and cooing. *sigh* (some) beautiful baby noises.

her marine blue eyes are often wide open, examining, observing, investigating and taking in her world. (they open really wide when summer is near).

as with most one-month olds, she has trouble self-soothing, and it therefore falls to those with more experience (yes, that would be moi) to help her out with all the swaddling and shh-ing and sucking and swaying. i admit to not always cherishing these tender moments for what they are, sometimes feeling too busy or too tired and nearly begrudging her neediness…

but if i could live life in a vacuum, i would do nothing but hold and rock and love my baby girls.

1 comment:

Rene said...

She is beautiful- she looks so much like Summer- love this picture!!