in many homes, this in-and-out of the child safety seat is not a problem because the wife takes one car as her "primary" and the husband the other. whomever chauffeurs the kids around most likely has all the car seats in his or her vehicle.
however, bryan decided that he wanted to get a manual transmission on the new car. however, for at least a few more years, the civic is to be my primary mode of transportation (seeing as how the accord may die any day now). yes, i can drive a stick shift (phew!), but no, i do not feel comfortable driving it around bellevue and seattle (and parts of duvall) where hills reach +20% grade. i mean, i've just barely gotten over my fear of freeways!
anyhoo, at the end of the day we decided i was driving one car as much as the other, and we ought to just invest a bit earlier than usual in summer's convertible seat to keep one seat in the accord and the other in the civic.
summer loves her cushy new chair. she sho is spoilt.
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