Wednesday, July 31, 2019

just one more candle and a trip around the sun

if turning thirty-six isn't frolicking through a field of sunflowers, i don't know what is.

(for my mom, who loves sunflowers and also when i smile with my teeth.)

Monday, July 22, 2019

stuck in the middle with you

this year's raspberry picking was a little bit more, uh, "jungly" than it has been in years past. 

but never you mind, we still managed to find the fattest, ripest, reddest, juiciest raspberries around and had the kids very concerned that i was going to eat them all (the berries, that is) before turning them into our annual supply of jam (the berries, that is).

it was close, but i didn't.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

backpacking pete lake, part 4 of 4

and just in case you were starting to get worried that it was all fun and games and no actual backpacking:

(pictured above on the way back, with two miles to go.)

shots from day one backpacking:

shots from day two backpacking:

backpacking pete lake, part 3 of 4

spending the following morning at the lake before trekking home:

Monday, July 15, 2019

backpacking pete lake, part 2 of 4

speaking of s'mores, bryan and owen were particularly proud of the fire they built for camp, which was not without a decent bit of effort.

arg! they be pirates, matey!