Saturday, July 11, 2020

golden girl

happy golden birthday to our afton!

though she finished up elementary school a few weeks ago without much fanfare, if you read her writing or saw her art, you would know afton crushed it. ever a deep thinker. a deep feeler. a perfectionist (on her way to becoming an expressionist). excited to grow up. excited to grow out her bangs. excited to climb trees and swim oceans and collect rocks and save animals. afton loves things that sparkle and things that shine and all the cats! and her chickens in stardew valley. and probably playing stardew valley (with maddy!) most of all. 

she took up the violin this year. she advanced in gymnastics. she endured two (!) oral surgeries. and she won a $50 amazon gift card for correctly guessing the number of jellybeans in a jar at her orthodontist. 

smart. strong-willed. sophisticated. creative. observant. hilarious! meticulous. devoted. learning who she is and how to stay true to that north star.

we love you, wafty bay! shine. sparkle. glow. grow. on.

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