Monday, April 13, 2020

birthday bobby

caleb is eight years old.

and he finally got his dream birthday.

his actual birthday was yesterday, but he celebrated on saturday by staying in his pajamas all day, building lego sets, playing video games, and eating all his favorite foods. destined to have a birthday over spring break for time and all eternity, he was so excited this year to NOT BE TRAVELING.

caleb loves the aforementioned legos, video games, and delicious food, as well as riding his bike, going to school, playing with his siblings, and pushing all the buttons (both the physical kind and the metaphorical ones, too). he's literal, punctual, dogged, and absolute. tender. confident. resourceful.

having long been satisfied with the "thumbs up" as his go-to method of communication (especially with adults), you're lucky if you've heard him engage in any kind of lengthy conversation, but around these parts dallin does enough talking for the both of them. kind of like a modern day moses and aaron, only they're mostly up to no good.

caleb can fill in a blank US map with all fifty states, their abbreviations and capitals, and remember any date you tell him--even ones he overhears in passing. but his spelling is atrocious cause he just can't be bothered with those pesky details. he dislikes reading, anything that subverts his independence, and pie. he absolutely loves to make his sisters tea every night and thinks his father hung the moon.

ever our enigma wrapped in a riddle, caleb recently did us a solid by agreeing to a deep dive on his brain for a clearer mapping of what makes this cool cat tick. turns out that caleb's superpower is he can process information as fast as is humanly possible. which might explain why he's so dang good at those video games.

happy, happy birthday, buddy! still not good enough to beat me at sonic, but you’ll get there.

love, mom

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