Monday, April 29, 2019

disney: caleb's birthday

on day two, caleb got to celebrate his seventh birthday partying at disneyland. (even though, like he informed us last year while lounging on waikiki beach, he'd rather have been at home playing video games). 

this year was a pretty sweet gig, though, because he got to wear a super cool button AND he got a bonus fastpass good for another go round on radiator springs racers. 

caleb loved his birthday button except when performing cast members were around. he had been apprised that cast members are want to include birthday boys and girls in their shows should they spot "the button." he thusly took great care to cover his button during such times. peformance involvement by cast members sounds like an absolute nightmare to caleb. 

dallin was super jealous of the button all day long, and caleb (eventually) was a good sport and let him wear it at the end of the day. when folks would wish dallin a happy birthday, he would tell them that it wasn't his birthday, it was his brother's. duh.

we loved playing heads up! in line.

the one, the only: splash mountain. this pic is most definitely in the running for the wheeler family christmas card, 2019.

kudos to dallin and bryan for taking the brunt of the "splash" for the family. i'm honestly not quite sure how dallin got in the front there. he may have inadvertently volunteered. rookie mistake, brah.

happy birthday, bobby!

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