Monday, November 06, 2017

celebrating summer

this little lady is ten.

summer makes growing up look easy. she loves life! she loves school! she loves dance! she loves church! she loves friends! she loves family! imma level with you and say she doesn't always love practicing the piano, but hey, in the ledger of life, she's still plus-plus-plus on the loves side.

summer is kindness wrapped up in enthusiasm. she draws her strength from people and interaction. she loves talking and expressing her opinions and sharing knowledge she's gained.

she still walks on her tiptoes and never falls asleep on car rides. she won't hear a word you're saying to her if she's watching tv, and she hates making decisions because she likes too many things.

summer is creative and artistic and musical and smart and beautiful and confident. on her own birthday, she wrapped up gifts for each of her siblings because that's just summer.

born on a dark and rainy night in the pacific northwest, we love watching summer radiate her God-given gifts of sunshine and warmth.

to celebrate! we took the whole fam damily out to breakfast and to ride the great wheel in downtown seattle and then to putz around pike place market. sidenote: summer is actually afraid of heights, BUT the wheel is enclosed, so she dug this one.

we love you, summer girl! happy birthday to my baby.

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