Sunday, July 13, 2014


(birthday dress made by momma)

afton is incredibly imaginative. she spends a good portion of her days in her own little world and loves, loves, loves it there. afton also loves jumping. off of everything. it's like she wakes up in the morning and says to herself, "self: jump off ALL the things!!" so our whole house shakes. a lot.

afton is smart. i mean, like, brilliant. i mean, like, she thinks about things in a very different way than you or i or the rest of the universe thinks about things. she continues to have a mastery of language well beyond her years, but if you ask her a question (especially in a "class" type setting), she'll likely act like she has no idea what you're saying. and who knows, maybe she really doesn't have any idea what you're saying.

and she's funny. really funny. afton is a natural-born entertainer. it comes off as goofy and strange and yeah, a little weird now and again, but just wait, in a few years, this girl's gonna have 'em rolling.

she loves organizing her toys and putting together puzzles and dressing her dolls and coloring pictures and making up stories. she is deathly afraid of dogs. and villains in movies. and loud noises. and bright lights. she eats three bowls of rice krispies every morning for breakfast and would have fettuccine alfredo every other meal if we'd let her.

afton is very polite and sometimes shy and really hates being told what to do, but she is getting better at doing it anyway.

and so goes our afton. our afton noelle. our littlest sunshiny, sunshine girl.

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