bo peep's costume designed and created by e. wheeler.
sheep's knitted hat outsourced to a fabulous artist on etsy.
we were fortunate enough to have my mom come out for the past week to help us move. if she hadn’t come, i would still be wallowing in a vast pit of despair. but as it is, my house is pretty much put together, and we are quickly settling in to a new routine.
the only down side to wendy’s visits is dealing with the aftermath. we all get a little bit spoiled. afton now believes that it is possible to be held all the time. and summer wanders around the house in search of “mere mere? walk?”
as for me? well now i actually have to do the dishes. frown.
there are a handful of things that i will never grow too old for. being taken care of by my mom is definitely one of those things.
photo: wendy eating fried chicken in lancaster, pennsylvania, christmas, 2006. she'll love that i posted this one!