today was one of those days. between my boundary-pushing two year old and my put-me-down-for-one-second-and-i'll-scream-my-head-off one year old, there just wasn't enough of me to go around. i snapped. things started to get all hazy. there was a ringing in my ears. nope, make that a screaming in my ears. uh-oh, make that
my screaming in my ears...now we're in trouble.
and i was just beginning to feel like i was getting the hang of this. i mean, i took both girls out to a restaurant the other night. *by myself.*
sigh. serves me right for getting cocky.
toddlers and infants might not know how to do much, but they certainly know how to put momma right back in her place.
ah well, back to the drawing board.
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