Saturday, July 31, 2010
turning twenty seven
Friday, July 30, 2010
denny creek rock slide
about a mile and a quarter to a natural rock slide
that the girls just loved.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
special delivery
weather girl
Saturday, July 24, 2010
the high seas
Friday, July 23, 2010
imagine me and you
Saturday, July 17, 2010
new spice
Thursday, July 15, 2010
running with scissors
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
self-portrait revisited
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
on the eve of afton
wrong. wrong. wrong. i was so wrong about afton.
you see, after our first ultrasonic introduction, i made a prediction about afton's personality. i did the same with summer and was spot on. about afton, i said she “is quiet, deliberate and patient. she is focused, content and relaxed.” w.r.o.n.g.
perhaps that was wishful thinking on my part because we definitely have another fierce and feisty lady in the house. i guess it's the only way bryan and i can make ‘em. and while afton is a firecracker like her sister, she’s very much her *own* little firecracker. who knew there were so many different ways to have an explosive personality.
first off, afton is happy. she is literally the smiley-est baby that ever was. she’ll cheerily chatter away to anyone who will engage her. she loves to laugh and giggle and squeal with delight. and she’s got the cutest dimple to prove it. however, afton is also a SCREAMer. when she gets mad, it’s with a capital M-A-D. and come to think of it, she has very few moods in between.
afton is aggressive -- the likes of which i’ve never seen. this little baby does NOT get pushed around. if she sees something she wants, she’s after it (and my kudos to her for owning her happiness). if summer gets in the way, you can bet there will be a throw down. afton is certainly not just somebody’s “little sister.” she can hold her own and will let everyone know loud and clear and right away when she’s displeased.
on the flip side, afton can be very pensive. when she’s in a new or strange situation, she holds back and shys away -- almost as if she’s not even there. in such settings, she refuses to participate; instead, she dons a skeptical frown and looks at the rest of us like we’re idiots.
she does not like to get dressed up or wear bows or have her hair done (but you know that doesn’t stop me). she has big, beautiful olive-grey eyes (her very own concoction), fair skin, small feet, juicy cheeks, and sandy-blonde hair. she loves music and dancing and throwing food from her high chair. she is curious and clever and very quickly gets to the bottom of all life’s little baby riddles.
so happy birthday eve to my little miss sunshine. may you ever bring the world your God-given gift of jubilant vitality.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
the sun will come out
Monday, July 05, 2010
wheeler family fourth
and the dull weather we've been experiencing sort of put a damper (pun intended) on our festive fourth. of course, with the holiday falling on sunday this year, we were planning to be a bit more low key anyway.
a day at the zoo
"changing of the guard" at the petting zoo:
from every living creature that came near her.