Monday, February 01, 2021

then there was this!

and as if turning seven wasn't enough, dallin got to celebrate 2021 with an extra special bonus of attending his first day of in-person learning in almost a year. 

cheers to the teachers(!!), staff, community members, and families for their hard work and dedication in making in-person learning a possibility for our youngest learners.

dallin was one of those who had to switch teachers due to the necessary reshuffling of kiddos based on in-person/remote options, BUT! the first grade team had done such a phenomenal job of integrating their learning across classrooms throughout the year that he was undeterred and super excited to be in person with his new teacher and classmates. we love our first grade teachers!

he had a great first (half) day.

masked up, washed up, and ready to learn. 

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