Tuesday, January 01, 2019

snow campout

wheelers et al. headed out this past weekend for an overnighter at blewett pass.

this was supposed to be our first backpacking excursion as a family of six (plus friends), but as we were LITERALLY walking out the door, poor dallin vomited. we were thisclose to pulling a stupid, deciding it was a fluke, and going anyway, when he vomited again. so! we unpacked the car, made a few gear adjustments, repacked the car, and dallin and i waved goodbye whilst bryan drove away with the other three kids. 

(dallin remained very sick for the rest of the day, so we were glad we made the decision to stay home.)

here is the remainder of the adventure we missed:

the pulks loaded down before beginning the ascent. 

summer is a boss and pulled this pulk for a significant portion of the uphill journey.

warm and snuggly in the tent after playing in the snow past eight.
(note: it got dark at four.)

rise and shine! they survived the night!

the adventures of the next day included mostly sledding.

caleb and danton would have gladly sledded for six more hours.
they had no plans to return home.

bryan hearts snow camping, so we'll be up on the mountain again soon.
fingers crossed dallin and i can make it next time!

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