Thursday, October 30, 2008
peter, peter, pumpkin eater
Friday, October 24, 2008
won't you be my neighbor?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
remember when?

the price of admission is almost as steep as the edifice itself.
but somehow, ken finagled a military discount.

at the first starbucks in pike place market.
free admission.
ken buds makes the treacherous (and illegal!) descent to snoqualmie falls.
i ask you, emme, does this look like the kind of guy who is going to jump out of airplanes?

what ken does enjoy is a giant doughnut (shown here to be roughly the size of his head.
and yes, that is a class three chin). baked fresh for the duvall farmer's market (the doughnut, not the chin).
our rock star band formed at the experience music project museum:
kenny and the emilies (clever, we know).
Sunday, October 12, 2008
the great pumpkin

summer selecting her pumpkin.
"this one!" she cries.

who says i can't pull the plow (or push the wheelbarrow)?
we found this cute little "pumpkin" and just had to take her home.
bryan and the bounty of pumpkin guts he will soon be dispatching.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
summer sitter
not but a day after turning eleven months old, summer had her first non-familial caregiver. (and previous to this she was only watched by my mother, who happens to live in alabama, so needless to say, those sittings were few and far between).
i left a page--front and back--of typed instructions: important numbers, a detailed schedule, general information, the location of household items, what to do in case of a power outage or fire, and of course, an eight step illustrated guide should summer choke. when i cam back home, the sitter said, "these are the most detailed instructions i've ever seen!" shivers went down my spine. and yes, i would like to thank the academy for this award.
i wanted to take a picture of the two girls together; however, summer was sleeping when we left and (shock of ALL shocks) when we returned home. thus cementing in my mind what all my parenting books have been postulating: that babies are the worst for their mothers (a bit backwards, isn't it?).
but the sitter was great, summer was great, our date was great. everybody wins. i think we'll do this again some time.