Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
the killers
now, as old marrieds with (almost) two children, we wondered if such a concert wasn’t a bit too out of our league. and as we stood in line and watched punk kids wearing a lot of eye makeup and their clothes too tight walk by, we felt our fears confirmed.
but as if the killers knew how diverse their following is, the venue in which they played was split both physically and demographically into two sections: the standing room only (aka "party hard") and the bleacher seats (aka "hardly party").
and while the aforementioned punk kids were busy standing, sweating, and screaming, we found two seats in the middle bleacher section and very much enjoyed our comfortable view. surrounded by techies who refused to dance, middle-aged couples who brought their young children, and even a few ladies my mom’s age, we fit right in.
the lights dimmed, the drum beats started, bryan put in his earplugs, and the killers gave a wicked good show.
this one's for you, dad:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hai muoi chin
Twenty-nine. Last stop before 30. But getting older wasn’t the only surprise of the day. It turns out both my little connivers were hard at work from dawn til dusk:
4/15 4:45 AM - For her first surprise, Emily uses the time Bryan is at the gym to create a balloon sculpture in the living room with 29 balloons tied to candy bars.
6:00 AM - Birthday surprise breakfast!
11:30 AM - Bryan returns to his office after a morning of meetings. Surprise, surprise. Baby Summer is wandering the halls of She leads Bryan back to her mom, who has brought cookies, balloons, and lunch to his office.
1:00 PM – Unable to contain her excitement, Summer skips her daily nap. Danger ahead.
7:00 PM - Birthday dinner. After we order, Summer starts the tantrum that just won’t stop. Moments before the food hits the table, Bryan asks the waiter to box it up as Emily takes Summer to the car.
8:00 PM – Eat steaks from Styrofoam take-out boxes. Who says plating doesn’t matter?
8:15 PM - Eat the beautiful and delicious Strawberry Lemonade birthday cake.
8:30 PM – Sit in special birthday chair to open gifts. Thanks everyone!
29… ounces of body armor. I like the way James thinks.
Friday, April 17, 2009
worn out
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
olympic anniversary
the bed & breakfast
Sunday, April 12, 2009
easter morning
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Five and counting

Remember, remember... by the time ladies at the hair salon are giving advice about a particular investment scheme, it's time to pull back. Way back. It was true about tech stocks in 2000 and true about houses in 2006. I confess to being irrationally exuberant from time to time, but Emily has always been there to keep me from stumbling over any financial cliffs. Time share peddlers beware... she can see right through you.
Of course, every once in a while, some new fangled dish is DOA as it hits the table. But luckily, she doesn’t take the failures personally. She analyzes the flaws and missteps, and does it better the next time.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
On the hunt
Friday, April 03, 2009
second trimester in review
weight gain: 10 pounds.
average daily sleep: 12 hours.
baby’s current position: like sister summer, her head is low in the pelvis, ever-ready to escape the womb.
food cravings: nothing really comes to mind, but i have been known to go out of my way for some cheesecake, and once i ordered scones off the internet (thank you amazon prime!). also, bryan claims my trips to mcdonald’s are up 300%.
biggest pregnancy complaint: i’m drawing a blank here, too. aside from the hellish first four months, pregnancy goes pretty smoothly for me. but, if i had to complain about something, it would be that like london bridges, my preggo pants are always falling down.
biggest pregnancy acclaim: for those of us who were otherwise neglected by mammary mother nature, it’s got to be the boobs. holla!
as for little baby, she continues to be healthy and active and growing at a perfect rate. and yes, bryan and i have settled on a name for our newest addition, but don’t bother asking—just stay tuned for another baby name game coming to the blog in june!
so, what can we expect in the third trimester?
remember the pioneer song about the oxcart? that’s me: slow, slower, and slowest.