which seemed rather innocuous to summer without that wretched snow.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
christmas morning
which seemed rather innocuous to summer without that wretched snow.
Monday, December 28, 2009
twas the night before
snow day

i imagine we'll give our sweet summer a week's worth of respite before beginning the torture anew.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
the croquembouche
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
at last, after waiting two full years (she is so like her father), summer loves me.
or so she finally says.
her term? lubby (a patented combination of "love" and "you").
she lubbies me in the morning, she lubbies me before bed, and she lubbies me as it strikes her fancy throughout the day.
but when does she lubby me most?
well, for all her mischievousness, summer HATES getting in trouble. so for example, like today, when she had her crayon privileges revoked *yet again* for gratuitously breaking her crayons in half, she just stood there, tears running down her cheeks, sobbing, “lubby! lubby!”
it's not so much that she wanted her crayons back (because despite my lecturing, she may still not quite understand what words like "privileges" and "revoked" actually mean), she just needs to feel lubbied.
don't we all.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
down santa claus lane
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Sunday, December 06, 2009
o tannenbaum
as always, our girls were very helpful. afton made things cheery and bright, and summer shook the doughnuts in cinnamon and sugar:
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
i have a 99% guarantee that she will smile at you if you smile at her.
and who doesn’t just need to see a smile sometimes?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
lucky thirteen
well, two things, really:
1) you don't get home until 3:30am. which is 5:30am in the time zone you just left.
2) you never, EVER fly US Airways again. ever.
shout out to both summer and afton who handled the situation superbly. we really could not have asked for better behaved children.
and while we were the only ones on the flight with children two and under--let alone TWO children two and under, we seemed to be amongst the more "chill" of the group upon receiving the bad news of the delay (first a one hour delay...then two...then three...then, well, you've all been there).
security even had to come and take away one elderly gentleman with anger management issues. we never saw him again.
anyway, our friendly reminder to those who were so distraught (yes, we're talking to you college students returning from a trip to the bahamas and able to go to sleep and get up whenever you feel like it): things could be worse, you could be us.
and for us? well, when i was feeling pretty low, bryan handed me this picker-upper: we could be in darfur.
indeed, we counted our blessings.
also, see that poor kid in the background by my right shoulder? he had the unfortunate luck of sitting across from me not once, but twice while i breastfed afton. who knows, maybe i kept him entertained.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
sightseeing in music city
thanks for making us feel better about ourselves, hostesses.
to a 15 minute five-alarm tantrum (where, for the first time ever,
she literally pulled out her hair) during lunch.
enjoying super yummy treats at las paletas.
sample popsicle flavors: avocado, peanut butter banana, hot chocolate with peppers, hibiscus, rose petal, butter pecan, mexican caramel, and cucumbers with chiles.