1) the language. do people actually swear that much in conversations with complete strangers? in the grocery store? i mean, obviously, at a metallica concert. but really—in the baking aisle? about buttermilk?
2) the fundamental misunderstanding of buttermilk. buttermilk, a misnomer, does not have butter in it, nor is it even the dairy product close to having the highest percentage of butterfat. its “richness” is not why it goes in biscuits and pancakes (else we would all be having buttermilk ice cream), but rather its acidic properties and sour taste. in fact, most buttermilk nowadays is made conventionally by simply adding acid to regular milk.
so, sir, you are welcome to buy some whole milk and add a bit of lemon juice or cream of tartar and make your own buttermilk that the health food fascists can’t touch (‘twould be easier than purchasing the cow).
but as for me and my house, we take it as it comes.
As it turns out, I'm married to a master of surprises. Latest case in point? Operation Birthday: 2008.
On Monday night, Emily left me to tend Summer while she went to a visiting teaching appointment. In reality, she stole my badge and infiltrated Microsoft's building 25 with balloons and cake in tow. After winning over the hearts and minds of some of the locals, she placed the ginormous balloon bouquet in my office and hid a birthday cake in the fridge.
The festitivites did not end there, however. Operation Birthday also coincided with an MSNBC SiteDev morale event. Activity of choice? Mariners ball game. Under normal circumstances, a Mariners game in mid-April is a fantastic idea. Unfortunately, 40 degree weather combined with large quantities of rain dampened some of our enthusiasm.
After the game, Summer attended her first birthday party. Apart from the 5 seconds posing for the photo, she spent the time captivated by her latest discovery: fire.